“Swans have an air of being proud, stupid, and mischievous—three qualities that go well together.”— Diderot
Johnson O’Connor English Vocabulary Builder (1939)
Unknown to 52 Percent: Rimose
adj. Chinky, creviced, fissured, cracked, cleft like the bark of a tree, full of rimes. Rime, derived from the Latin rima, means crack, chink, fissure.
American Zen Bones: Maezumi Roshi Stories (1999)
15. No Ego
A potter once asked, “ Roshi, why is clay so much easier to work with than people?” Maezumi replied, “Because clay has no ego.”
Photos with Friends
Photography: Jenna Littlejohn
Subject: Clout Spice
Date: 2021
Video I Like
“omg, the video is so loooonnnng. Get over it! Train your brain to watch something that’s actually challenging/not just “entertaining.” Just watch it ambiently. Play it on a screen do some laundry or watch with a lover or watch 15mins or knit while you watch or skip around to find a juicy bit. I believe in you. You can watch something that’s not on a streaming service.”
This was a fun watch once I got past the fashion show segment.
Commercial Break
You do not answer me and when I ask
“How grainy is your vision” and “How do you
turn the pages of the books you read?”
I imagine you cradling the leftovers of a graceful recognition
I wish that you were confounding, mysterious
marauding liar that you are--A honest liar
that forgets before the truth could leak out
I thought to tell you today, that there is a
rat tail slicing you shaving away what leftovers
are left
My stomach churns in those moments
When you have forgotten and turn to wince
At my suggestions for more
Bent Questions: Jenna Littlejohn (@jennajashaun)
Writer, Comedian, Jazz Enthusiast and Manager of Bird & Beckett Books
So tell me how BENT you are…
1. Virus or Bacteria? Bacteria can be taken care of by Clorox. I’ll take bacteria, please. Unless the virus is of a love bug variety and has no cure :)
2. Preferred Pronoun? Uncle Jenna
3. What Periodic Table Element are you? I only know a few. Lithium comes to mind. Pretty sure it will power most of California one day. I may power most of California one day. How about that!
4. Favorite Object? My nana’s mano cornuto (sign of the horns) gold necklace. It’s all I have of the past.
5. What shape are you? Purple is a shape
6. Give us a texture. Orange chicken. I’ll do you one better – orange chicken lips.
7. Anarchist, Socialist, Capitalist, Libertarian, etc. Gay Proletariat
8. Favorite person of Color that you disagree with? An older woman who shall not be named
9. What sound are you? Straight-ahead jazz
10. Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, or a Broken Copper Pot? No thanks. I have my own art. It’s called money. And when I get some I’ll put it on display for others to take.
11. What’s the last thing you broke? Not to be too modern but it was my iPhone 11 Pro. Actually, my ex broke it. Then we broke up. I haven’t broken anything myself ever. Except for my iPhone 6. That I broke myself. There are some things I can admit baby.
12. Last person you kissed? A white woman. Sue me!
13. The Best thing about men’s rights activists? Their kinky boots ;)
14. Do you meditate? Do I meditate? Is my favorite food soup? I meditate like a soup fiend. Did I mention I’m addicted to self-reflecting while sipping sizzurp?
15. Are you a Neutron Star, White Hole, or Solar Flare? These are too serious/gay. I am more a Stellar Lumen

16. Which fetish are you? Klismaphilia, EDERACINISM, Fornifilia, OCULOLINCTUS. Ya know what’s funny? I’m a prude and have 0 fetishes. This eyeball business might take the cake though. I had a cat named Carlin or Maggie (I’m not sure which cat it was) that enjoyed curling up on my chest and sucking my eyelids. It was hot! I was 8!
17. Your opinion on Lesbian Separatist. I rather enjoy watching a woman benefit from male privilege. I don’t need it because it comes with bad fashion and verbal abuse.
BUT It’s honestly one of my greatest dyke fantasies to watch a straight-cis couple get married, and then when they’re all like “who here is not into this coupling speak now or forever shut the fuck up” and then I’m all (not sober) “Um I am not down for this here union” and then she leaves him and I leave her later for someone better/gayer.
18. Favorite Mythological Character? You baby. It’s always been you.
19. What type of Cancer are you? A mix of Colon and Breast Cancer. Crest Cancer.
20. Matriarchal Punishment or Patriarchal Redemption? pass
21. Who do you actually hate? An idiot. They’re everywhere.
22. Best regrettable purchase this month? Whenever I come into a bit of cash I tend to spend money on clothes I wanted in sixth grade. Boy clothes. Boy shoes. I recently bought some chunky Nikes and I quickly realized that I’m too old for such a look. Do you know anyone that wants big shoes that imply flight with the word “air”?
23. Finish this sentence. I know Kim Kardashian…Has a sister that could be my wife and that is Kendall and I assume she is older than 23. If she isn’t then nvm.
24. Your favorite body of water. Shasta Lake baby. Followed by Whiskeytown. Only flatlanders will know.
25. What’s the most middle-class thing you’ve done this week? I bought a plant. And then I took a picture of it. Like a bitch.
26. I’m only politically correct when…I’m talking to a male rights activist…
27. What’s your favorite scar on your body? My new belly button. Last year I had a cyst removed from one of my ovaries. The “doctor” had to remove the baseball-sized mass via my button. In the end, I got a new sexier outty button. I love it!
28. Last time you cried tears of joy. In a dream, I can’t remember. Or with my best friend Darrah.
29. Your most noble trait. When I’m self-righteous (which is always) and I say “I’m the one who…”
30. I know the taste of...SOUP. Not even a specific soup. Just soup. the warm broth of a thousand chickens and onions (I mean I’m actually pretty specific about the base of the soup) cascading down my gullet like a symphony of salty longing that I just drink and drink. I remain full like the soup fiend that I surely am (and this delicious dish will surely be my cause of death after the autopsy and the “doctors” will be like well Jesus at least she could commit to something? Ya, that bitch really could commit to something!)