“Get rid of a man by taking some pepper when he leave and sprinkle it behind him.”
—From Shuckin’ and Jivin’: Folklore From Contemporary Black Americans
Johnson O’Connor English Vocabulary Builder (1939)
Unknown to 45 Percent: Asseveration
n. An earnest declaration, positive assertion, solemn affirmation. Asserevation comes form the Latin ad, to: and severus, severe, the source of the English word severe.
880 Stories by Christopher Kang (2016)
He paints portraits of horses. Only one critic of great importance admires them. Soon the world admires them. They see everything in the horses. Nothing made sense before these horses.
An Image that Moves Me
Commercial Break
Catherine Opie Poem
I found an image of Catherine Opie
As silent as the slaughter house songs of pigs
Her canvas leaking outward to the open air
Her back, sore with the engraved image of a nuclear family
Posing gently a simple question
How it must it feel to be removed and to only have a body
That is inaudible to men
And I wondered if she might’ve questioned the existence of men
There supposed usefulness--
How they never seem to venture a guess
At what they themselves are to the world
Did she think beauty is never this honest and that we must allow
ourselves to think that even in the slaughter of our own bodies
there must be art that provides a song for her
Bent Questions: Michael-Todd Hoglund (@seanpaulsactualfriend)
Oakland-based Artist and jester
So tell me how BENT you are…
Virus or Bacteria? Even with all it's connotations rn, virus for sure
Preferred Pronoun? He/Him
What Periodic Table Element are you? Na / N/A
Favorite Object? ATM it's a small red "stress relief" doll with an enormous smile on its face that is dangerously close to losing it's left arm
What shape are you? Cup and/or Bucket (aka Big Cup)
Give us a texture. The tongue against raw root after a filling has fallen out of a tooth
Anarchist, Socialist, Capitalist, Libertarian, etc. baby idiot bozo
Favorite person of Color that you disagree with? Mark T Gee, my best friend of many years, my worst enemy of that same amount of time.
What sound are you? There's a youtube video (feel free to search it, im too lazy to link) of a seal approaching the window of it's zoo exhibit, that ends up screaming exactly as if a man were screaming. gonna go with that.
Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, or a Broken Copper Pot? Marry a Broken Copper Pot, Fuck Jeff Koons, Kill Damien Hirst, and then Kill Jeff Koons
What’s the last thing you broke? the zipper on my tent last summer
Last person you kissed? my roommates cat
Best thing about men’s right activists? they have a weird posture that I can’t describe that really makes me happy
Do you meditate? no
Are you a Neutron Star, White Hole, or Solar Flare? White Hole
Which fetish are you? Klismaphilia, EDERACINISM, Fornifilia, OCULOLINCTUS: at ~19 i had a threesome in which two people i was in love with fucked on top of me while i was "too in my feelings" or maybe "too fucking drunk" to get hard, making me, i guess, a platform for their fucking. so id have to pick Fornifilia.
Your opinion on Lesbian Separatist. I mean fuck it why not? If you’re happy I’m happy?
Favorite Mythological Character? The Myrmecoleon is a creature that has the head of a lion and the body of an ant. the head ends up eating things that the body cannot digest and dies very shortly after.
What type of Cancer are you? There's definitely an astrology joke here but it's not my lane so i guess i'll just opt for Hepatic
Matriarchal Punishment or Patriarchal Redemption? Both?
Who do you actually hate? people who try to make me listen to sublime. I’m sorry but stop
Best regrettable purchase this month? rent
Finish this sentence. I know Kim Kardashian…doesn’t care about the Jeffr** St*r allegations
Your favorite body of water.the quart container i keep filling up every hungover morning, or/also the yuba river
What’s the most middle class thing you’ve done this week? experienced real regret over not having a bank account
I’m only politically correct when…political incorrectness would be emboldening/encouraging someone of the opposite stance. or just when around folks (folx lol) who dont know me.
What’s your favorite scar on your body? i have an almost imperceptible scar on my dick from my first blowjob experience wherein teeth were somewhat involved, but i didnt know any better/was too excited about it happening to give a fuck. it was to the Donnie Darko DVD menu screen.
Last time you cried tears of joy. admiring my roommates cat
Your most noble trait. active listening and a genuine interest in others, regardless of their interest in me
I know the taste of...bile