“Nature hath no goal though she hath law.”— John Donne
Johnson O’Connor English Vocabulary Builder (1939)
Unknown to 4 Percent: Toggery
n. Clothes, dress, garments, togs, outfit, raiment, attire, bailment, garb, apparel, costume.
American Zen Bones: Maezumi Roshi Stories
40. Why Shave Your Head?
A student asked Roshi, “Why do you shave your head?” Roshi replied, “To be ugly.”
And then he added, “It’s much more difficult to cut the hair that grows inside the head.
An Image that Moves Me
Commercial Break
Taylor at Parc on Palace
Just found out I can drink a Greyhound
Guess it means I’m new here
Woof, Woof
I ran into glass door on my way to work
I ran into a wall (No rush man, watch where you’re going)
It wasn’t even that fucking clean
Just added my skin oils to the dust (It left a mark man, crazy right?)
Some cleaning wo/man had to deal with that curo
(No shame left to clean it)
Woof, woof
Said the mother to the geese
Watch out there’s wolves in these windows
Too many windows to work with
I think I’ll turn into tenor singer from New Zealand
Bar-clay moldings and stargazed
Dogwood drinking
Oh, you know those New Zealanders
So self-consciously polite and winsome!
I think I’ll marry at the Parc Palace
5 mins away from my grave
I’ve got this winsome gal down in Costa Rica--Surfing
She woofs Loud
Makes me want to be deferential and shit
Tea-cat woofs to her own muse
Fucks who she wants and gets paranoid
about the consequences
Woof, Woof
But damn she’s good at surfing
I see her now--Braids to her back
A lightening rod of intuition, pulse, & meager sweat
Remote--twitching human woman-being
Woof, woof
That’s right kiddo, easy breeze from her coast
Flat gold coins & (that’s not it man, that’s not what we need)
Not a place to write
We need those (Woofs) & sweet, sweet place
Bent Questions: Jackie Clay (@boooopie)
Arts Writer, Curator, and Director of the Coleman Center for the Arts, York, Alabama
So tell me how BENT you are…
Virus or Bacteria? Bacteria
Preferred Pronoun? she/her
What Periodic Table Element are you? gold
Favorite Object? my phone…sadly
What shape are you? boxy
Give us a texture. slick
Anarchist, Socialist, Capitalist, Libertarian, etc. Anarchist
Favorite person of Color that you disagree with? W.E.B. du Bois
What sound are you? a sigh
Jeff Koons, Damien Hirst, or a Broken Copper Pot? Damien Hirst...sadly. Is a broken cooper pot an art thing I don't know about?
What’s the last thing you broke? one of my four new Alessi glasses
The last person, you kissed? shamefully five or six years ago
The best thing about men’s rights activists? there really isn't anything that comes to mind.
Do you meditate? I'm left with silence and my thoughts too often to seek or develop a meditation practice.
Are you a Neutron Star, White Hole, or Solar Flare? not just any solar flare but the 1989 solar flares because I remember them.
Which fetish are you? Klismaphilia, EDERACINISM, Fornifilia, OCULOLINCTUS: I had to google all these. Truthfully I like sticking things in my ears but I'm into interiors so I'll go with Fornifilia.
Your opinion on Lesbian Separatist. utter devotion
Favorite Mythological Character? Esther in the bible. Orphan Annie even though Daddy Warbucks was a capitalist; in my retelling, she inherits his wealth, funds radical movements across the globe, and puts the rest in a paydown foundation.
What type of Cancer are you? The type the Oankali can't get enough of.
Matriarchal Punishment or Patriarchal Redemption? I'm currently "vacationing" with my parents so both and neither.
Who do you actually hate? English peas, the vegetable.
Best regrettable purchase this month? the 7-eleven branded, Wasabi Soy peanuts I got Saturday.
Finish this sentence. I know Kim Kardashian…"won't remember me the next time she sees me."
Your favorite body of water. The swimming pool at my apartment complex.
What’s the most middle-class thing you’ve done this week? See #20
I’m only politically correct when…Who's politics? I think being excessively combative is unimaginative.
What’s your favorite scar on your body? I only have one to choose from and I feel pretty neutral about it.
Last time you cried tears of joy. Last week when I heard my friend was released from prison.
Your most noble trait. I'm funny.
I know the taste of...This prompt sounds/feels like the opening of a Maya Angelou poem.